TikTok Bear Guy Jeff Watson Has Tamed Nature's Furry Beasts

Jeff created a TikTok account on December 21st that he uses to show off his ballsy bear-caretaking antics, and has since gone viral.

By GiorgioMarauder

Published 2 years ago in Ftw

Jeff created a TikTok account on December 21st that he uses to show off his ballsy bear-caretaking antics, and has since gone viral.

Jeff Watson, @JeffTheBearManWatson on TikTok, is a bear enthusiast and trainer. According to IMDB, Jeff “has been raising and training bears for over 19 years.” His late pet bear, Brody, was featured in commercials, television shows, movies, and wildlife photographs. In 2016, Jeff was interviewed by Stephen Colbert on The Late Show.

Jeff created a TikTok account on December 21st that he uses to show off his ballsy bear-caretaking antics, and has since gone viral. The account features videos of him feeding and playing with his enormous pet grizzlies. He treats them as if they were big dogs, petting them, riling them up, and giving them pats and treats. They’ll get up in his face, snarl, and bare their teeth. It doesn’t faze him a bit. But it’s also clear there’s a lot of affection between Jeff and these two killing machines. After all, they’re his babies.

Now everybody wants a pet bear. One TikToker asked, “You ever give him squishy hugs? He looks so soft. My wife always says I’ll die petting something I shouldn’t.” “If dangerous, why cute?” Another comment sums it up nicely.

But in his more recent videos featuring a mama bear with her newborns, many have felt the need to play expert in the comments and remind Jeff that these animals are dangerous and he shouldn’t play around with them or he’ll end up getting killed.

“The only reason she trusts you is because she's in mid hibernation and it takes a lot of energy to care for those babies. wouldn't do this near spring,” one person wrote.

I’m sure he appreciates the concern, but let’s not forget that Jeff has nearly 20 years of experience under his belt raising and handling bears. He has a unique relationship with these animals. The fact that he’s still alive is a testament to that. As one comment put it, “The fact Mama is even letting you in the same room as her cub proves she trusts you. Keep on, brother.” And someone else said it even more succinctly: “If the bear wanted to kill him or hurt him it would.” Whether or not Jeff is truly in danger, what he does takes guts. 

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